Gabrielle Farquhar

Location: Coleraine

Expertise: Spiritual help for those facing death and the bereaved, pastoral care of clergy and care of spouses and families of clergy, and personal experience of chronic illness

Qualifications: BA in Biblical and Theological Studies Trinity – MTh in Practical Theology, New College, Edinburgh – my time there included a 5 months placement in St Columba’s Hospice and 5 months in the Psychiatric Hospital Morningside. – 4 parts of a DASE course in Queens – included Counselling, Children’s Bereavement

Employment: She has worked in banking, administration, management & ministry

Experience outside of normal congregational life: She’s led trips to Malawi, done youth work, music groups, the arts, and pastoral care.

Currently: A group of five clergy, each from different denomination, who formed CARE4CLERGY – purpose to offer a service to clergy of any denomination by Facebook Wednesday Wisdom and about to be launched ‘the Harbour Team. – Chaplain and member of the board of Jubilee Community Farm , Glynn, near Larne – Member of the Conciliation Panel of PCI

Speaking Experience: Large event, Small event, Panel, Facilitated sessions, Host/MC, Workshop/Breakout, Member of a board

Bio: Apart from the above – she was brought up in Dublin, 3 siblings  and married in 1999 to Maurice Farquhar who’s a Music Teacher and Pianist who composes variations of hymns.

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